Sunday, January 02, 2011

My little prince

Yes.. I have a baby who is 1 yr now.. enni rojulayyindo kada blog raasi. Em cheyanu, everything has changed. Na life lo ippudu happiness, sadness, excitement, depression anni vacchicherayi.

Yep, my son, Lucky is 1yr now. He is a development delayed kid. He was affected with Infantile Spasms, which is a very very rare disease. Yes, I am a mother of a special kid. I have to accept the fact that my son doesnt still recognize me, nor does see and smile. I am going thru a roller coaster ride and currently this ride is struck at the deepest level. Everything is paused. I have no idea, if this is again start running normal, if not at a super speed. When I see other kids, I feel so bad. Vadini chusukuntu bratikestunna.. vadu navvina, cheyi notlo pettunna, oka kotta sound nerchukunna, I feel so happy. Emo may be GOD is teaching me to be happy for small things. May be I am not fit for having a normal life. I pray GOD for curing my kid. Deenikantey nenu emi cheyaleni nissahaya sthiti lo unna.

Probably GOD wants to show me that there is nothing we control. We are so helpless. Still when I see people planning things, navvalo edavalo teleedu. Here is what I learnt.. FIGHT WITH LIFE, IT IS NOT A EASY THING TO LIVE. EVEN IF YOU WANT TO LIVE A HAPPY LIFE.. GOD MAY NOT LIKE YOU TO DO SO, LEARN TO COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS AND SHOW HIM that YOU WILL BE HAPPY whatever it MIGHT TAKE. JUST BE THANKFUL TO HIM AND BELIEVE IN HIM WITH UNWAVERED FAITH.

cant write more.. na valla avvatledu na badha express cheyadam

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